Project :

Business Training, TZ

Empowering young women in Tanzania.


The Maasai people are a polygynous, patriarchal, nomadic ethnic group of Eastern Africa. The social standing of the men is determined by the size of their herds and their number of wives, who are traded by their families for cattle. As warriors for their community, the men wander in bands, surviving on the meat of their herds, whilst their wives are at home, responsible for the children with few resources. A bride is typically much younger than her husband and so becomes a widow relatively early in life, while still needing to provide for her children.


Our nine-month Entrepreneurship Training Program supports vulnerable women of the isolated Maasai community of Longido, Tanzania. We teach the women sewing and soap-making skills and the basics of running a business so they can earn a small income to provide for their children. The program also delivers health education about clean water, hygiene and malarial protection.

The Impact

Established a sewing and business training program

Graduated our first intake of students

Resourced a co-operative with business mentorship

Received our second intake of students

Provided food and clean water to vulnerable people

Sewing skills

Soap-making skills

Business skills

Health and hygiene education

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