We bring hope and restoration to impoverished and vulnerable people and communities in Africa by equipping and empowering them to transform their lives.

OUR Projects
We focus our efforts on where we can make the greatest impact. Leveraging our local connections in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in Longido, an isolated Maasai area of Tanzania, we deliver initiatives that empower local people to lift themselves out of poverty. As Harvest Hope Africa grows, we look forward to rolling out more projects in these communities and beyond. One of our many successful programs is vocational training for teenage survivors of sexual violence to empower them to support themselves and their babies. Participants share powerful stories of how the program has changed their lives.

OUR Impact

Empowering young women through vocational training

Enabling high potential individuals to realise their potential

Supporting program graduates to find employment

Providing education to children who otherwise would miss out

Providing food and clean water to vulnerable people

Providing salaries for teachers so children can learn

Providing further teacher training to raise the standard

Supplying a primary school with teaching and learning materials

Providing a clean water source for primary school students

Empowering vulnerable mothers to earn an income
OUR Story
Patrick and Rebecca, founders and directors of Harvest Hope Africa, are passionate about lifting individuals and communities out of poverty.
Having lived and volunteered in Africa for many years, they have first-hand knowledge of the challenges facing communities and understand how to deliver sustainable change.
They established Harvest Hope Africa in 2019 to provide a way for others to join them in their journey of transforming lives.